Firewalls have been the network first-line defence for over two decades now. It is a network security device used to monitor the validity of any incoming or outcoming traffic in the system. Firewalls are the ones to either allow or block network traffic based on the security protocols it is programmed with. Firewalls inaugurate boundaries within the systems internal networks and outside sources while identifying whether it is a threat or not.
Different Types Of Firewalls
A Proxy Firewall
The proxy firewall is one of the first firewalls ever created. It was intended to serve as the entrance of one network to another specific for a certain application in the computer. Proxy servers deliver additional functions in the system such as caching and other cyber-security protocols. Also, it helps avoid direct connections coming from a foreign network. Proxy firewalls also influence the seamless running of applications it supports.
Stateful Inspection Firewall
Stateful inspection firewall is responsible for allowing or blocking network based on the state, portals, or protocol policies. It helps monitor every activity that takes place from opening and closing a connection. It also filters certain decisions based on the defined rules and context it was programmed. Stateful inspection firewall can store information it has encountered previously and packets data from the same connection.

Unified Threat Management Firewall / UTM
Unified threat management firewall is a device that combines the operation of stateful inspection firewalls while preventing threatening intrusions and virus. It can also function or service cloud management. Unified threat management firewall is intended for easy and comfortable usage.
Next-Generation Firewall
The next-generation firewall was strategically made to combat modern threats. It has the ability to avoid advanced malware and application-layer risk which are robust and hard to detect using a regular firewall. The next-generation firewall has a standard firewall ability including a stateful inspection. It is also armed with the capabilities to prevent intrusion. Additionally, it possesses application awareness and can control, oversee, and block applications that are risky. Lastly, it has techniques that address the ever-changing cybersecurity threats.
Threat-Focused Next-Generation Firewall
A threat-focused next-generation firewall is an all-in-one firewall that can deliver functions vital in combating modern online threats. It can provide advanced risk detection and solution as it occurs. The presence of this kind of firewall in your system will help you determine which part of your asset is being attacked or in grave risk. Also, it can react to attacks swiftly due to the integration of automated defence in its program. Additionally, it can detect suspicious activities between an endpoint interaction and the network. Moreover, it decreases the time spent during the whole process of detection, initial inspection to resolving the issue. Lastly, was designed with simple navigation that helps in the ease in administering and reducing complexity while extensively protecting the system against attacks. This type of firewall is being used even by non professionals says Mark Caldwell – senior security engineer at Flux CMS: “We managed to successfully implement and convince customers that this is the way to do it and they understand the importance of this. Koko’s was our first client who
Virtual Firewall
Virtual firewalls were designed to function as a virtual eye within a private or public cloud of the system. It also monitors and secures all the traffic that is happening across any physical and virtual channels. It is a crucial requirement in creating a robust software-defined network.
Installing firewalls in your computer will lead to a safe online exploration. It is essential in keeping your computer’s system safe and away from potential threats. With the increase in internet use every day, it is vital that everyone must extend an effort in practising cyber safety to combat hackers.